Radius: Off
km Set radius for geolocation


Member login

To login, click on the [members zone] menu -> login

If it does not work, go to https://rockguides.ch/wp-login.php

Fill in your username (generaly “Firstname Lastname” or email) and password, when logged in, you’ll be redirected to your Item page.

My dashboard

Once logged in, you will have in the [members zone] the “Account” and “Logout” menu.

In the [members zone] you’ll find information for members.

To manage your Items (personal page), Events, Medias click on the [members zone] and on Account. This will open your dashboard.

In the dashboard, you have the options to :

  • Edit your personal page (example: https://rockguides.ch/guide/vincent-hentsch) : Items (instructions below)
  • Add/edit your events/clinics : Events Pro (not documented, but should be straightforward 😉
  • Manage (upload/edit/delete) your images : Media
  • Edit your profile (change password, your interface language, …) : Profile (profile infos are not used in the public website, only in the internal forum, so your don’t need to fill in your profile)


Edit member page (each language)

There is one individual page per language. To edit a page, click on your name.

In red, things you should not edit… thanks !

  1. Your name. Should be the same on all language…
  2. The link to your page. Please don’t edit this.
  3. Your description.
  4. Your profile picture. It’s the only thing that is syncronized between language.
  5. All item options must be set for each language
    1. Subtitle
    2. Item header (image / map / no header)
    3. Address : after filling in the address, don’t forget to click on Find to place the GPS point 
    4. Phone
    5. Email
    6. Web
    7. Social networks : If you activate SOCIAL, you have to add at least one social network or you’ll get an error on your page.
    8. Gallery
    9. Advanced filters (spoken languages, additional training, ..)
  6. Language. It indicates the correspondences between pages of different languages. Please don’t change this, or it will screwed up…
  7. After you made changes, don’t forget the “Update” to save the changes.
  8. Item Categories. Please don’t change this.


Don’t forget to update and to make the changes in all languages !!!